Equine Health

Rehabilitating Laminitic Horses

A very common set of questions we hear in the horse rehabilitation world is, can a horse with laminitis be fixed or cured? Will a horse with laminitis ever be [...]

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Pedal Osteitis in Horses

A diagnosis of pedal osteitis in your horse can be a scary thing. If you have been told this then likely you have had x-rays done, if not, you should [...]

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Fecal Egg Count and Deworming

A very important item to pay attention to for our horses is if they have parasites in them that affect their health. When it comes to worms, and there are [...]

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Why get X-rays of Hooves

When evaluating a horse and it's health, one major tool that we use is x-rays to evaluate the health and position of the bones inside the hoof. While the outside [...]

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Founder in Horses

Founder is a really big deal in the horse world, for some horses it's a death sentence. In most horses, it never should be. I have found that when people [...]

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Thin Soles in Equines

One thing that is very important to check out on your horse when looking at the feet, is the soles. The sole is the bottom of the foot that isn't [...]

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Thrush is a major problem for most horses and it's pretty much the first thing we look for on a horse that is having any issues with it's feet including [...]

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